Yuki Koyama, Ph.D.
Yuki Koyama is a Senior Researcher at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). He received his Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo in 2017, advised by Prof. Takeo Igarashi. His research fields are computer graphics and human-computer interaction. In particular, he is interested in supporting designers by using computational techniques such as mathematical optimization. He has published papers at ACM SIGGRAPH, CHI, UIST, etc. From 2021, he also started working at Graphinica, Inc., in which he is aiming at bridging art and technology in animation production. He was awarded JSPS Ikushi Prize (2017), Asiagraphics Young Researcher Award (2021), and IPSJ/ACM Award for Early Career Contributions to Global Research (2024).
My research interests lie on the cross-disciplinary field between Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction. In particular, I am interested in
CHI 2025 (Accepted)
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Technical Communications)
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2024)
The 2020 Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity (CSMC-MuMe 2020)
The Visual Computer (CGI 2020)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2020)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2020)
The Visual Computer (CGI 2019)
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2018)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2017)
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2016)
Pacific Graphics 2016 Short Papers
Eurographics 2016 Short Papers
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2014)
The University of Tokyo (2024–Current)
Bayesian Methods for Interaction and Design (Cambridge University Press) (2022)
The University of Tokyo (2022–Current)
SIGGRAPH 2021 Courses (Aug. 2021)
CHI 2021 Courses (May 2021)
SIGGRAPH 2020 Courses (Aug. 2020)
Demo of our image processing technique called unblending (Jan. 2019)
Computational Interaction (Oxford University Press) (2018)
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo (2017)
2025. FontCraft: Multimodal Font Design Using Interactive Bayesian Optimization. In Proceedings of 2025 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '25), pp.XX–XX. (Accepted) | .|
2024. A Practical Style Transfer Pipeline for 3D Animation: Insights from Production R&D. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Technical Communications (SA Technical Communications '24), pp.22:1–22:4. (Best Paper Award) | .|
2024. Toward AI-Mediated Avatar-Based Telecommunication: Investigating Visual Impression of Switching Between User- and AI-Controlled Avatars in Video Chat. IEEE Access 12, pp.113372–113383 (2024). (Note: Shigeo Yoshida and Yuki Koyama contributed equally to this work.) | .|
2024. FontCLIP: A Semantic Typography Visual-Language Model for Multilingual Font Applications. Comput. Graph. Forum 43, 2, pp.e15043:1–e15043:11 (2024). (a.k.a. Proceedings of Eurographics 2024) | .|
2023. A Structure-Guided Diffusion Model for Large-Hole Image Completion. In Proceedings of the 34th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC '23), pp.258:1–258:15. | .|
2022. BO as Assistant: Using Bayesian Optimization for Asynchronously Generating Design Suggestions. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '22), pp.77:1–77:14. | .|
2022. Photographic Lighting Design with Photographer-in-the-Loop Bayesian Optimization. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '22), pp.92:1–92:11. | .|
2021. Tool- and Domain-Agnostic Parameterization of Style Transfer Effects Leveraging Pretrained Perceptual Metrics. In Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '21), pp.1208–1216. | .|
2021. Vocal-Accompaniment Compatibility Estimation Using Self-Supervised and Joint-Embedding Techniques. IEEE Access 9, pp.101994–102003 (2021). | .|
2021. MirrorNet: A Deep Reflective Approach to 2D Pose Estimation for Single-Person Images. Journal of Information Processing 29, pp.406–423 (2021). | .|
2021. A Computational Approach to Magnetic Force Feedback Design. In Proceedings of 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21), pp.284:1–284:12. | .|
2021. Interactive Exploration-Exploitation Balancing for Generative Melody Composition. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '21), pp.43–47. | .|
2020. Generative Melody Composition with Human-in-the-Loop Bayesian Optimization. In Proceedings of the 2020 Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity (CSMC-MuMe 2020), pp.21:1–21:10. | .|
2020. Audio-Visual Object Removal in 360-Degree Videos. Visual Comput. 36, 10–12, pp.2117–2128 (2020). (a.k.a. Proceedings of CGI 2020) | .|
2020. Sequential Gallery for Interactive Visual Design Optimization. ACM Trans. Graph. 39, 4, pp.88:1–88:12 (2020). (a.k.a. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2020) | .|
2020. Human-in-the-Loop Differential Subspace Search in High-Dimensional Latent Space. ACM Trans. Graph. 39, 4, pp.85:1–85:15 (2020). (a.k.a. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2020) | .|
2020. Interactive Deep Singing-Voice Separation Based on Human-in-the-Loop Adaptation. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '20), pp.78–82. | .|
2019. Precomputed Optimal One-Hop Motion Transition for Responsive Character Animation. Visual Comput. 35, 6–8, pp.1131–1142 (2019). (a.k.a. Proceedings of CGI 2019) | .|
2018. Decomposing Images into Layers with Advanced Color Blending. Comput. Graph. Forum 37, 7, pp.397–407 (2018). (a.k.a. Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2018) | .|
2018. OptiMo: Optimization-Guided Motion Editing for Keyframe Character Animation. In Proceedings of 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '18), pp.161:1–161:12. | .|
2017. Computational Design of Hand-Held VR Controllers Using Haptic Shape Illusion. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST '17), pp.28:1–28:10. | .|
2017. Sequential Line Search for Efficient Visual Design Optimization by Crowds. ACM Trans. Graph. 36, 4, pp.48:1–48:11 (2017). (a.k.a. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2017) | .|
2016. An Interactive Design System of Free-Formed Bamboo-Copters. Comput. Graph. Forum 35, 7, pp.323–332 (2016). (a.k.a. Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2016) | .|
2016. Icon Set Selection via Human Computation. In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2016—Short Papers, pp.1–6. | .|
2016. Interactive Deformation of Structurally Complex Heart Models Constructed from Medical Images. In Proceedings of Eurographics 2016—Short Papers, pp.49–52. | .|
2016. SelPh: Progressive Learning and Support of Manual Photo Color Enhancement. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16), pp.2520–2532. | .|
2015. AutoConnect: Computational Design of 3D-Printable Connectors. ACM Trans. Graph. 34, 6, pp.231:1–231:11 (2015). (a.k.a. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2015) | .|
2014. Crowd-Powered Parameter Analysis for Visual Design Exploration. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '14), pp.65–74. | .|
2014. Pteromys: Interactive Design and Optimization of Free-formed Free-flight Model Airplanes. ACM Trans. Graph. 33, 4, pp.65:1–65:10 (2014). (a.k.a. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2014) | .|
2013. View-Dependent Control of Elastic Rod Simulation for 3D Character Animation. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA '13), pp.73–78. | .|
2012. Real-Time Example-Based Elastic Deformation. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA '12), pp.19–24. | .
2023. A Structure-Guided Diffusion Model for Large-Hole Diverse Image Completion. In Proceedings of CVPR 2023 Workshops: Generative Models for Computer Vision, pp.22:1–22:6. | .|
2022. Preferential Bayesian Optimisation for Visual Design. In Bayesian Methods for Interaction and Design (Eds. John H. Williamson, Antti Oulasvirta, Per Ola Kristensson, and Nikola Banovic), Cambridge University Press, pp.239–258. | .|
2021. A Procedural MatCap System for Cel-Shaded Japanese Animation Production. In SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Posters, pp.34:1–34:2. | .|
2021. User Interfaces for High-Dimensional Design Problems: From Theories to Implementations. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Courses, pp.11:1–11:34. | .|
2021. Introduction to Computational Design. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '21—Courses), pp.136:1–136:4. | .|
2020. Intelligent Tools for Creative Graphics. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2020 Courses, pp.15:1–15:11. | .|
2019. Autocomplete Vocal-fo Annotation of Songs Using Musical Repetitions. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion (IUI '19 Companion—Demos and Posters), pp.71–72. | .|
2018. Placing Music in Space: A Study on Music Appreciation with Spatial Mapping. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS '18 Companion—Provocations & Works in Progress), pp.39–43. | .|
2018. Computational Design with Crowds. In Computational Interaction (Eds. Antti Oulasvirta, Per Ola Kristensson, Xiaojun Bi, and Andrew Howes), Oxford University Press, pp.153–184. | .|
2017. Computational Design. In Dagstuhl Reports: Computational Interactivity (Dagstuhl Seminar 17232) (Eds. Xiaojun Bi, Otmar Hilliges, Takeo Igarashi, and Antti Oulasvirta), pp.65–66. (Note: Antti Oulasvirta wrote the summary of the group discussion at the seminar.) | .|
2017. Crowdsourcing Visual Design. In Dagstuhl Reports: Computational Interactivity (Dagstuhl Seminar 17232) (Eds. Xiaojun Bi, Otmar Hilliges, Takeo Igarashi, and Antti Oulasvirta), p.57. | .|
2016. Computational Design Driven by Aesthetic Preference. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '16 Adjunct—Doctoral Symposium), pp.1–4. | .|
2016. Supporting Photo Color Enhancement by Progressively Learning Aesthetic Preference. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2016 Symposium on Emerging Japanese HCI Research Collection, pp.11–15. | .|
2015. Crowd-Powered Parameter Analysis for Computational Design Exploration. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Posters (SIGGRAPH '15 Posters), p.2:1. | .
2017. Computational Design Driven by Visual Aesthetic Preference. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Tokyo. Supervised by Prof. Takeo Igarashi. | .|
2014. View-Dependent Control of Elastic Rod Simulation for 3D Character Animation. Master's Thesis, The University of Tokyo. Supervised by Prof. Takeo Igarashi. | .|
2012. Real-Time Example-Based Elastic Deformation. Bachelor's Thesis, The University of Tokyo. Supervised by Prof. Takeo Igarashi. | .
R&D for Anime Production: Collaborative Cultural Craft of Art, Science, and Engineering. SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Birds of a Feather. 2024/12/06. | .|
Human-in-the-Loop Preferential Bayesian Optimization for Visual Design. The 10th International Conference on Computational Visual Media (CVM 2022) (Keynote Talk). 2022/04/09. | .|
Human-in-the-Loop Preferential Bayesian Optimization for Visual Design. Asiagraphics Webinar. 2022/01/18. | .|
R&D for Anime Production: State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects. SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Featured Sessions. 2021/12/16. | .|
Unity Anime Toolbox: The Key to Creating Studio Quality Animation in a Real-Time Engine. SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Featured Sessions. 2021/12/15. | .|
Human-in-the-Loop Design Optimization. Computational Fabrication Seminar. 2021/05/05. | .|
Computational Design with Human Assessment. The 1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID '21). 2021/03/15. | .|
Sequential Gallery for Interactive Visual Design Optimization. SIGGRAPH 2020 Birds of a Feather: What is Happening in Japanese CG Research and Industry Now?. 2020/08/25. | .|
Sequential Line Search for Efficient Visual Design Optimization by Crowds. ACM SIGGRAPH Theater Event: SIGGRAPH in Japanese + Japan CG Showcase. 2017/07/30. | .|
Crowdsourcing Visual Design. Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Interactivity. 2017/06/06. | .|
SelPh: Progressive Learning and Support of Manual Photo Color Enhancement. ETH Zurich. 2016/03/17. | .
Japan ACM SIGCHI Chapter. Distinguished Young Researcher Award. 2024/12/27. | |
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Technical Communications. Best Paper Award. 2024/12/05. | |
Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). IPSJ/ACM Award for Early Career Contributions to Global Research. 2024/03/15. | |
Funai Foundation for Information Technology. Funai Information Technology Award for Young Researchers. 2022/05/21. | |
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). AIST Best Paper Award. 2022/03/31. | |
Asian Association for Computer Graphics and Interactive Technology (Asiagraphics). Young Researcher Award. 2021/09/30. | |
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. Dean's Award. March 2017. | |
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. JSPS Ikushi Prize. March 2017. | |
Microsoft Research Asia. Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Nomination Award. October 2015. | |
Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ). IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award. March 2014. | |
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan). Innovative Technologies 2013. October 2013. | |
School of Science, The University of Tokyo. Dean's Award. March 2012. |
ACM. People of ACM. 2024/11/05. | |
SportTechie. Play VR Tennis With A Controller That Mimics An Actual Racket. 2017/11/20. | |
Road to VR. ‘Haptic Shape Illusion’ Allows VR Controllers to Simulate Feel of Physically Larger Objects. 2017/11/11. | |
TechCrunch. Disney Invents A Way To Auto-Create Phone Mounts That Hook On To Pretty Much Anything. 2015/11/05. | |
CNET. Can an armadillo paper airplane fly? Autodesk says yes. 2014/08/09. | |
NewScientist. How the weirdest designs can become great paper planes. 2014/08/06. | |
DigInfo TV. Directable Physics Engine recreates 2D anime stylizations in 3D. 2013/11/19. |
Computers & Graphics; Associate Editor (2024–current) | |
SIGGRAPH Asia; Technical Papers COI Coordinator (2022) | |
CHI; Assistant to Technical Program Chairs (2021) | |
CHI; Associate Chair (2023) | |
CHI; Associate Chair (2022) | |
CHI; Associate Chair (2020) | |
Eurographics; International Program Committee (2022) | |
Eurographics; International Program Committee (2021) | |
Pacific Graphics; International Program Committee (2025) | |
Pacific Graphics; International Program Committee (2023) | |
Pacific Graphics; International Program Committee (2022) | |
CGI; International Program Committee (2019) | |
IUI; (Regular) Program Committee (2019) | |
IUI; (Regular) Program Committee (2018) | |
Asiagraphics; Web Seminar Working Team (2021–current) |
ACM Transactions on Graphics (2017, 2020) | |
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2021) | |
Computer Graphics Forum (2022) | |
SIGGRAPH (2015, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2025) | |
SIGGRAPH Asia (2016, 2017, 2022, 2023, 2024) | |
UIST (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2024) | |
CHI (2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025) | |
Eurographics (2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022) | |
Pacific Graphics (2013, 2016, 2022, 2023) | |
Computers & Graphics (2023, 2025) | |
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (2023) | |
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (2022, 2023) | |
IEEE VR (2025) | |
CGI (2019) | |
ISS (2020) | |
IUI (2018, 2019) | |
VRST (2018) | |
SCF (2020) | |
IROS (2021) |
Tel: | +81-50-3522-3054 |
Address: | AIST Tsukuba Central 2, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8568, Japan |
E-mail: | koyama.y@aist.go.jp |